Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Interdimensional popcorn show

"Shove a bum," I say to Consuela as I take a seat beside her. We're sitting on a lava field in an interdimensional plane.

"Dis iz sooo curazy, Mia" Consuela says as we watch the white light shoot out in tiny and controlled lightening bolts and kill the demons. To our left is what seems like an ocean, but it's on it's side and it's the portal to earth. To our right is what seems like a stormy sky; and it is also vertical. I believe it's the portal to hell.

"This is so friggen interesting," I say to Consuela as we watch the battle ensue. The land that we're on runs between the two planes; just like a valley would in a canyon. I'm not exactly sure how we got here, but there's popcorn so I'm not too concerned.

Consuela pulls a flavoured packet out of her pocket and begins to sprinkle it on the popcorn. And we watch, in awe, as the demons fly from the dark stormy wall of sky on our right, and try and pass into the clear blue wall of Ocean on our left.

"Unbelievable," I say as I dig my hand into the bowl of popcorn.

"Itz so curazy!" Consuela says through a muffled mouth of kernels.

The demons are miles above us, and so, they look like little gnats passing from one side to the other. It's only when the white lightening bolts shoot out from the oceanic-wall, that they lose flight and come closer to us before disintegrating. At first we didn't know what we were watching, but after a few moments; and a few dozen dead demons tumbled towards us, we could tell what was going on.

Some of the demons pass relatively easily from hell to Earth. They use their black sinews as leverage and slide from one side to the other with no interference. Those demons are attached to the humans that they have under their bondage; and so -- being given safe passage to Earth is a right.

But I'm curious about the lightening bolts that kills the demons. In every way, they are the opposite of the oppressive black cords that the demons use: they're white, luminescent, and sharp -- like a whip. And they kill with precision -- each striking the demons square in the chest and causing them to evaporate; as if they were never there.

"What do you think the white lightening is?" I ask Consuela. She talks with a mouth full of popcorn and say, "Iz maybe da goodness, no?" and shovels some more food in her mouth. I'm more amazed that she can actually swallow what she's eating -- she's like a python ingesting it's prey -- her jaw has unhinged and her throat shows a continuous lump of popcorn travelling down into her stomach.

"Uh...maybe you should slow down with the popcorn," I tell her, but she ignores me. And, I continue to watch the demons leap from one plane to another. They're too high above us to notice that we're sitting on the hardened lava rocks below. And besides, they're more concerned with passing the plane and getting to Earth.

I think about the demons for a bit. I mean, what exactly is their purpose? Are they getting stronger? Do they multiply like gremlins once they pass? Or are they like parasites living off of human souls? It's probably the latter.

"I think the demons need us to survive," I say to Consuela "like a mosquito needs blood to reproduce, they must need something from human souls -- you know what..." I say. I've just had an 'aha' moment. "You know what, the demons are negative, right? So, if humans are inherently positive -- and our energies, our souls are strong -- then we are of no use to the demons. But if they can change the voltage of our souls, I mean, keep us oppressed and in bondage -- feeling guilty and worthless and negative all the time; then they can feed off of us. Right?" I ask Consuela for approval. I actually think I'm onto something.

"Makes sense," she says. The popcorn's now gone, and so we continue to sit there. We're silent for a moment, watching the demons as they leap from what I think must be hell to what I'm assuming must be earth. I'm not sure how long we sit there before Consuela speaks,

"So, iz you saying dat deez demons -- dey iz evil. So, dey iz try to make da people on Earths evil too wit da black cords, and dey eat da people's souls like some energy drink for da demons, and da people dey iz evil so da demons have da energy drink?" she repeats back to me.

"Exactly. They turn the goodness in humans into negativity --which they feed off of in order to survive. They're really wretched actually." I say and nod my head furiously so that she is completely on board with my theory.

"So den, Mia" Consuela thinks out loud, "what der yer sink iz dat white light dat kills da demons?" she asks me.

I ponder for a moment. I mean, what would kill demons? The opposite of negativity -- but it would have to be combative. I mean, goodness on it's own wouldn't kill a demon. It could be like mosquito repellent -- but it wouldn't shoot out with precision and destroy a demon. So, what is combative against negativity? What could fight back against evil from a place of goodness?

I think for a moment and then I understand, and so I answer Consuela with complete confidence.

"Forgiveness" I say, "The white lightening bolts are forgiveness".

And with that we are transported back into my living room.