Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Nightmare

Something's off...but maybe it's just my imagination. I call down to my little dog in the backyard; I'm 7 or 8 storey's high in my bedroom. The window is missing its glass, and so, I poke my head through the cavity and look below. I think it's strange that the window has no glass; or curtains, but I'm more concerned with calling my dog. I look down the looming 7 or 8 storeys. The house is on an angle; and wobbles. The backyard slopes adjacent to the house, and the grass moves up and down as if it's breathing. My little dog bounces along towards me. It defies gravity by leaping 5 or so storeys in the air. Its little pink tongue hangs excitedly out the right side of its mouth. I call his name and he takes another gravity defying leap towards me. I can't wait to have him jump up to my window. I want to hug him and tell him how much I love him. It's been years since he's died...

...and then I awake. It's pitch black. Sweat drips down my neck and collects between my shoulder blades. My sheets are wet. I was having a nightmare. I look to my right. The clock reads 3:08, in the morning. I hate it when I awake in the middle of the night.

The air is cold, yet I sweat. I want to get a glass of water, but I can't move. A tightness encroaches around my neck, and my breath becomes shallow. My passageway begins to tighten, and my heart races from the strain. I feel light headed.

I look down at my left hand and see a black cord begin to wrap around it. It's sinewy and transparent -- like a ghost; but strong. It keeps my hand bound to the mattress while another black cord emerges from underneath the bed. I look to my right to see the crescent moon. Its light offers some visibility in the darkness of my room -- but I'm groggy from the nightmare; and my eyes are becoming faint from the lack of oxygen.

Slowly the panic turns to grief. Shallow air slips through my mouth and into my lungs; it's faint. I'm not suffocating; I'm being constricted.

The lack of air causes my thoughts to deflate and my mind to focus on my sorrows. I'm now pre-occupied with survival instincts, rather than having the emotional space to fantasize or dream. The third black sinew begins to wrap around my right arm, and when it's done -- negativity begins to drip through the cords into my soul.

Hell is seeking vengeance.

Only moments remain before the negativity distracts me from my worldly purpose. Bleakness begins to pour across my pupils and paints the world grey and dreary. I'm being drugged; by a demon.

I open my mouth to gasp for help; but my breath is too weak to create sound. I mouth silent words.

Another black sinew falls from the sky and begins to wrap around my left leg. I'm paralyzed. Catatonic. Helpless.

As more sinews fall from the sky and weave around my body; I slowly become an insect caught in a web. The sinews begin to spin around me; and I know that my death is certain. A moment later I see a demon fly out from behind the moon. His wings span meters in each direction, and from his torso a thousand sinews spew -- each headed towards me at lightening speed.

My eyes widen with fear; and I open my mouth to scream -- but the words have no breath. I can not speak. No one knows I am in danger.

A moment later the demon crashes through my bedroom window. Glass shatters and falls around me. I close my eyes. I'm too entwined to be able to react. A small shard manages to graze my cheek. When I open my eyes again, the demon is leering above me. For a brief moment we make eye contact. It's eyes burn with fury; fueled by the angst of broken hearts, and the tears of a thousand lost souls.

The demon screams a loud shrill Jurassic-like roar, and in doing so, it reveals two large, sharp yellow fangs stained orange with blood. I open my mouth to try to scream -- but the last of the black sinews slaps my mouth shut. The fangs move towards me. The demon's breath is foul -- like burning garbage mixed with sulfur. I close my eyes to brace for the jarring pain of the fangs ripping two gaping holes into my torso...

...when my alarm clock goes off.

I roll over. The sun is out. It's time to start a new day.

I slap my hand on the snooze button; and roll back for nine more minutes of sleep. I'm exhausted. I don't know why. I think I was having a bad dream...but then again; I can't remember.