Friday, July 10, 2009

The Action Plan

I'm staring at the computer screen in front of me, trying to create an action plan for my life. So far I only have one point written down:

1. Write every day

I strum my fingers on the desk and look at the blank wall in front of me. I need an action plan. Something that I can commit to. Something that will propel me out of this cocoon I seem to be stuck in.

I turn around to see Consuela having serious issues with the glue stick.

"How's that vision board coming along?" I ask her. She ignores me for a second as she tries to unglue one of her fingers from the magazine.

"Yeah, Yah" she mutters, "Iz fine, Mia. Yer just keep doing yer work, ok?"

Since I'm at an impasse, I decide to walk over and see how she's doing. My hope is that by putting a vision board on the blank wall in front of me; I will be inspired to work towards my dreams every day. If I can visualize the end result -- then maybe, putting in the hard work won't be so self-defeating. I know I have a long road ahead of me.

"What yer sink?" Consuela looks up and shows me what she's done so far. I've given her a list of some of my aspirations; house by the sea, lots of smiling people around me, sunsets, vacation homes, images of love -- but I've also told Consuela to throw a few of her own images onto the board. After all, she's got to reap the benefits too, right?

I crouch down beside her and look at what she's done. She's added a few things for me; Tacori engagement ring, silver Audi, cottage and boats, a barbecue...

Not bad. I'm actually impressed.

"I like it!" I tell her. Consuela has taken my advice it seems. I told her, when you dream; dream big. The sky's the limits. So far, so good. I look at some of the cut-outs that she has beside her. I pick up one of them; there's a picture of a chihuahua.

"Consuela," I say to her "you want to have a dog?"

She laughs, and looks at me like I'm an idiot. "Noooo, Mia. Dis dog -- iz de same dog from de Taco Bell commercials, and my dream iz to hev a Taco Stand when we go to de L.A."

Really? A Taco stand? Fair enough...

"That's great, Consuela. Make sure you put it right in the middle, so it will happen sooner rather than later, OK?"

She smiles at me, and I leave her be. I go back to my computer screen to finish my action plan. Can't really begin to take action unless I have an action plan. So I type:

2. Network Network Network
3. Appreciate everything
4. Never underestimate yourself
5. If your gut tells you it's no good -- walk away
6. Whenever possible, work with friends
7. Make more friends in the industry
8. Steer clear of negative people
9. Steer clearer of cut-throat people

I stop at number 9 for a second. I've had such a bloody rise to get to where I'm at right now. So many insecure nasty sociopaths in this industry. I really hope I can start to attract nice people into my life. Nicer more talented people, who have a genuine passion for story telling like I do. The cut-throats drain me.

10. Work life balance is important -- always make time for family and friends
11. Don't take "no" as an answer. Use it as a caveat to rework the situation
12. Be generous; with your time, your abilities, and your funds (when possible)
13. Do not be afraid of confrontation; embrace it. Try whenever possible to rework it to your advantage; or at the very least -- make sure your stance is clear.
14. Never back down.
15. Talk with strength
16. Walk with purpose
17. Dance every day
18. Be the best person you can be
19. Love what you do -- if you don't love it; rework it so you can love it
20. Remember to enjoy the journey

There. That's a good action plan.

I turn back to see Consuela struggling to get the glue stick out of her hair. I chuckle and walk to the kitchen to pour another cup of coffee.

We'll get there...