Friday, June 19, 2009

The Divine Exchange

I have a certain bounce in my step this morning as I walk through the park en route to my gym. I feel light and free. My heart is pumping in its most efficient capacity. I have started to reconnect with who I really am.

As I turn the corner I see him: he is part of my existence but not part of my world. There he is sleeping on a bench; knees brought to his chest in the fetal position. As I approach I notice that both his eyes are swollen from a night of crying -- and his nose is broken. Caked blood sticks to his dirty face, but that is the least of his problems.

I see this homeless man almost every day. Usually he sits quite drunk either in the park, or in front of McDonalds. He's always happy. Always singing. He smiles at me every time I pass him. He always gives to me whatever he has to offer; and I always give him nothing.

But this morning is different. This morning, a part of me has healed, and without the nooses of anxiety, depression, or despair around my heart -- I am able to dig within myself and give something back.

He breaks my heart, lying there -- defeated and swallowed up by a lifetime of lies and disappointment. Upon closer inspection I see that there are many black cords around his neck and arms. I want to grab his hand and run -- but I know that it will only yank the cords tighter; and, because he is caught in a web of deception, he may suffocate and die.

So, I approach with caution.

As I tip toe nearer to him, I start to think how wonderful this man's heart must really be. His heart must be full of unlimited power and potential -- for look how many cords the demons use to keep him down. They are near a dozen nooses around his neck used to block off the message from his heart to his head; that he is good, and worthy. The nooses inhibit the truth of who he really is and allows the devil to make a playground of his thoughts -- all negative and self-deprecating of course.

And the world, up until now, has validated every lie this man has ever been whispered.

But I see the truth of who he is. I look past the material and into the supernatural to know that he, like myself, are equals in this world. We both come from the same place -- and we both are on a journey to discover our true potential. By virtue of the fact that he was born and that he breathes, his human heart can prevail. No matter how tight the nooses become around his neck, his heart continues to pump -- always hoping that the message of who he really is, can and will reach him.

I reach into my pocket and look in the little change purse that I have. There are some pennies, and a folded up $10 bill that I was going to use for some groceries. Even though money is tight, I hand the bill to him because I want him to understand that he isn't going unnoticed. Not today. And not by me.

One of his demons tries to yell impetuous thoughts my way; but they whiz by me.

He'll only use the money for drugs...
He's a drunk...
Just give him the pennies...

I have no nooses around me today -- and so, even though I hear those nasty thoughts, they don't resonate inside of me or stop me from what I am about to do. I hand him the money because, regardless of how he chooses to use it, a greater good is occurring. Someone reached out to him today. Someone reminded him with a simple transaction, that he did matter. And, as the bill passed from my hand to his, I watched the tears form in his eyes -- and his nooses loosened a little. Some good thoughts were now being pumped from his heart to his head. The demons would have a tougher time with him today.

"Thank you," he whispers -- and even though he is in immense pain, he manages to form a half (but genuine) smile.

"My pleasure," I tell him; and turn to walk away.

A simple transaction. On the surface it may have seemed like a lonely girl giving money to a bum; but underneath there were more powerful forces involved. Underneath the simple act of giving became a divine exchange. The good from me poured into him and reminded him (for an instant) of the truth of who he really is: a box of hidden potentials, should he choose to fight his demons and embrace his destiny. In the natural world it was a transaction of money; but in the supernatural world it was a contagious exchange of compassion and kindness. It opened up a small road of goodness to flow into and through him; and thus began to weave us all together as we were originally created to be.

And so, I hopped away from my good deed -- because to help him helps myself; helps all of us. It strengthens an inner truth in all things good, and makes us stronger for the world at large.