Sunday, June 21, 2009

Breakfast in America

Take a look at my girlfriend...

Supertramp is blasting from the record player. My dad sits there looking at the album cover and taps his foot to the music.

Take a jumbo cross the water...

The sun blazes through the living room windows onto the floor and warms my feet. So I dance. I twirl around and grab my dad's hand; so he can spin me faster.

I'm hoping it's going to come true...

The sound of corn beef frying from the kitchen becomes louder. The salty smell wafts through the air. My mom peeks her head around the corner to check on us.

Mummy dear, Mummy dear...

She's wearing my favourite brown clogs. She smiles at us and waves before popping back into the kitchen.

I'm a winner, I'm a sinner...

My dad starts to make a noise with the fingers in his free hand; I've never seen this before! I stop my twirling to try and copy him -- but I don't have the coordination. He continues to make the noise with his fingers while he shakes his head and taps his feet to the music; *Snap!*

I'm playing my jokes upon you.... *Snap!*

While there's nothing better to do.... *Snap!*

Ooooh! It's my favourite part! I start to laugh and dance even faster.

La da la la. La da la. La da la. Dah la da la. HEY!

La da la la. La da la. La da la. Da dum da dum...

My dad stands, bops my head lightly with the album cover and I continue to squeal and twirl while both my parents put the plates on the table and get ready to eat. My dad hoists me into my highchair and my mom places my bib around me -- Cookie Monster! I love this bib!

I'm hoping it's going to come true...

My mom scoops out the corn beef and scrambled eggs; and we all sit down to eat while Supertramp continues to serenade us in the background.

La da la dah.....

supertramp - breakfast İn america |